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Whale Fall, installation view, Union Gallery, Kingston, ON.
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern.
Photo by Chris Minor

Whale Fall (detail), Glazed porcelain, found, altered, and carved furniture, 2019
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern.

Whale Fall (detail), Glazed porcelain, found, altered, and carved furniture, 2019
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern.

Whale Fall (detail), Glazed porcelain, found, altered, and carved furniture, 2019. Collaboration with Nurielle Stern.

Whale Fall (detail), Glazed porcelain, found, altered, and carved furniture, 2019. Collaboration with Nurielle Stern.
Photo by Mike Patten

Whale Fall, Glazed porcelain, found, altered, and carved furniture, 2019
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern.

Chardin's Ray, Cast resin, reflective glass coating, 28" x 52" x 18", 2019
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern

Rays Ascending (fever), Cast abaca fibre. five sculptures,
each 28" x 52" x 18", Installation dimensions variable.
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern
Jenny Haniver, Glazed porcelain, cast aluminum, 20” x 25” x 13”, 2019
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern
When you can see right through me, Cyanotype on silk, found x-ray illuminators, drafting table, soft-paste porcelain, found objects, dimensions variable, 2019
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern
Created with the support and access to imaging collections of The ROM's Natural History departments and the Toronto Zoo's Veterinary department.

When you can see right through me (select details), Cyanotype on silk, found x-ray illuminators, drafting table, soft-paste porcelain, found objects, dimensions variable, 2019
Collaboration with Nurielle Stern

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